Progress on the Second Flag of Resistance, begun December 11, 2017:
March 4, 2018
March 11, 2018
March 18, 2018
March 25, 2018
And, along with 2500 other people (as well as many many many thousands--millions?--more across the country and abroad), I marched on Saturday at the Statehouse in Montpelier, standing with our children to press our leaders for meaningful gun control legislation.
I remember that after the Women's March on January 21, 2017, I felt uplifted, energized, and ready to fight, but after this rally I just feel sad, and angry. Teenagers and children spoke, and each had their own harrowing story of dealing with guns, and fear. My heart breaks, over and over and over. Even I have my own stories of too-close-for-comfort brushes with gun violence. Every day my husband goes to work, in a school, and every morning when he leaves I pray that he will come home to me in the evening. I am hopeful that maybe, just maybe, this time the voices for common sense gun legislation will prevail, but I am devastated that we have had to sacrifice so many lives to get to this point, with no guarantee of victory even so.
And so, I march on.