I woke up this morning and realized... it's Monday again. How did that happen?
Work continues on the hands embroidery and the Tempestry knitting project, but I probably won't have anything new to share on these for a few more days anyway.
In the mean time, I've been busy getting a jump on my taxes (ugh!), keeping the woodbox full and the woodstove humming, stitching resistance, preparing for an exhibit (more on that soon), getting sidetracked with a house project or two, keeping up with/ignoring the news, and so on. Amid it all, I realized I was in serious need of a mindless, free-form, stashbusting knitting project:
I'm not completely sure where this is going, but that's the whole point. (The photo of the yarn pile made some lovely kaleidoscopes, which I made into a little video; you can see it here). This is what I've done so far:
Square one
Lots more of these to come in the days/weeks/months? ahead. All I know is that no two squares will be the same. I'm using various odd bits and leftovers of Rowan Felted Tweed DK, and Jamieson Spindrift (jumperweight, doubled) in lovely muted heathery tones. In the true spirit of stashbusting projects, however, I expect I'll have to buy more yarn before I'm through.
The marvelous art site Folt Bolt invites members of the Folt Bolt Club to submit photos of work based on a monthly color scheme. I spent a little time last week putting together my submission for the February theme of blues and greens, a combination that appears at least occasionally in my work...
Finally, this: Second Flag of Resistance, December 11, 2017 - February 4, 2018: