I've been working pretty intensively on a new piece. It has been bitterly cold and snowy here, and I have huddled by the wood stove with needle and thread, and steaming mugs of coffee and tea.
I think I won't say much about this piece just yet, just show photos as I progress and let it unfold.
I've now completed half of the hands. After three days of slow, small, intensive, meticulous, fine stitching, I've got to take a break to let my own hands recover. Repetitive stitching injury...
First pass: outlined
The big picture: hands half done
And the resistance stitching continues:
Flag of Resistance, December 11, 2017 - January 7, 2018
My phone camera can't handle the blue thread on red fabric; even in closeups, the colors vibrate and won't come into focus.