Looking at my home page, I realize I've only posted three times since the beginning of July! I apologize for the radio silence, but there have been lots of distractions this summer: much playing with my family; a fair bit of time sitting in the shade watching my garden grow (or not; it's actually been a cool, wet summer, not great for the tomatoes and most other things); lake time; the occasional hike; day and weekend trips; and more.
In addition, I've done a craft fair, and assembled and hung an exhibit of my work--both of which required a ridiculous amount of prep time!
And yes, I have been stitching temari and knitting at every possible opportunity. But I'm making dozens of small temari for autumn and Christmas stock, so until I get them all done they look pretty much the same from one day to the next.
And, at 350 or so stitches per round, this linen stitch stole grows steadily--but slowly.
All of which leaves me with precious little to show on a daily basis! But soon, too soon, my younger son will go back to college, my older son will move away, my husband will start the new school year, and my hours and days will be my own once again, to stitch and sew and knit and create. I should have lots to share here soon enough.
Of course, the Daily Resistance project continues.
Flag of Resistance, April 30 - July 23, 2017
Flag of Resistance, April 30 - July 30, 2017
Flag of Resistance, April 30 - August 6, 2017
I hope you are enjoying the summer, too, if it is summer where you are. I'll pop in here as I can for the next few weeks, but come September I'll be finding my old routine once again.