“To unpathed waters, undreamed shores.” --William Shakespeare
We've just returned from a week at a cabin on the shores of Lake Champlain.
I packed three knitting projects, a huge bag of temari supplies, drawing materials, a stack of books, and a partridge in a pear tree.
My husband had lots of time to play on the water. For me, it was a working vacation, but how can it be work when you have a lakeside office?
While I stitched temari, my husband set off for an afternoon sail on his homemade/handmade wooden sailboat, Williwaw.
Blue waves in front of me, blue waves on my needles.
Business attire
Rainy day staff meeting
I completed one knitting project, made a clutch of small temari, stitched daily on the Flag of Resistance, and put in some time on another Yarndance knitting project as well as some personal knitting.
Flag of Resistance, April 30 - July 9, 2017
Flag of Resistance, April 30 - July 16, 2017
It was a marvelously relaxing and peaceful week. And though I did some work, I played a lot, too. Best of all, our two sons (and one girlfriend) were able to join us for a couple of days--for me, Christmas in July!