I've had a lot going on the past couple of weeks...
First there was getting ready for the big show, Craft Vermont, the weekend before Thanksgiving. Just in time, I finished up a few more temari...
...and a couple of infinity scarves, both made with Great Adirondack Yarn Company 100% Organic Cotton...
And then, there was the show itself! A wonderful mashup of over 150 of Vermont's best artists and artisans gathering for a three-day extravaganza.
I had the pleasure of meeting several people in person whom I'd only known online. It's always great when I can attach a real person, with a smile and a handshake, with someone who I've only known previously through my website or social media!
And then it was Thanksgiving, with both of my sons home and lots of family and food food food...
In between, I've updated my online shops here and here (see the shop pages for some nice holiday offers), packaged and sent off new orders, begun some interesting personal knitting projects (more on those in the coming days), and started to attack the chaos on my desk and in my inbox that has accumulated over the past couple of weeks.
And of course, the news continues, unrelenting, and so I continue to stitch. Three weeks' worth of the Flag of Resistance:
April 30 - November 12, 2017
April 30 - November 19, 2017
April 30 - November 26, 2017