I’ve been pretty absent here for a while, largely due to computer issues (you know you’re in trouble when the repair person refers to your 8-year-old Mac as “vintage”). But now I have a shiny new machine so I will try to make up for lost time, literally.
September. Restrictive abortion laws. Extreme weather. Congressional financial shenanigans. Covid.
October. Again, restrictive abortion laws, extreme weather, Congressional financial shenanigans, and covid.
November. This month's feast included Jan. 6 panel subpoenas for Roger Stone, Alex Jones, and others; passage of Biden's infrastructure package; the COP26 climate summit, and the vaccine rollout for younger children. Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted, but the killers of Ahmaud Arberry were found guilty. The nation celebrated Thanksgiving, but just in time for the holiday, the new Omicron covid variant emerged, creating a new pandemic of fear and unease.
Are we ready for December?