Daily Color: “Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.” –Sam Keen
Change is in the air.
We took our son back to college earlier this week, so I had plenty of car-knitting time to work on this:
Halcyon Yarns laceweight 2/12 Gemstone Silk, held double, in linen stitch
Today my husband, who works in a school district, went back to work after a lovely summer off.
Sumac leaves foreshadowing the days to come
And today is muggy and cloudy, hot when the sun breaks through, but storms and and cooler weather are coming later, so I'm wearing a summer scarf knit from hemp, cotton, and rayon.
Lengthwise scarf knit in four colors of Elsebeth Lavold Hempathy Yarn
But finally the tomatoes are coming in! Last night's summer supper: local corn, and gazpacho made from tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and parsley from my garden.
Last night's garden supper, kaleidoscoped