DAILY COLOR: “New beauty meets us at every step in all our wanderings.” –John Muir
I spent yesterday with my family, exploring the Mississiquoi River, Mississquoi National Reserve, and a bit of Lake Champlain in our rowing/motoring/sailing dory, Williwaw, which my husband built several years ago. So happy to have both my sons home and able to inaugurate the 2015 boating season with us!
While they fished (perch, large- and smallmouth bass, catfish, and one particularly feisty pike, all released back into the water), I began a sock.
We saw some pretty amazing birds and other wildlife: herons, bald eagles, hawks, osprey, and other birds, turtles, and a muskrat and a beaver, too.
Immature bald eagle. Photo by Loren Fulton
Busy as a beaver. Photo by Loren Fulton
We motored and rowed along the river, across Gander and Goose Bays on Lake Champlain, and down Dead Creek.
All that activity, plus the necessary boat picnic, was quite tiring.
It was a day about as close to perfection as you can get.