Green temari on floral background, my photo rendered in Waterlogue.
It's Saturday, and I'm relaxing with my coffee and a few apps. I've enjoyed Blendoku for a while, a game that exercises your color acuity. And just today my son introduced me to Thisissand, a nifty little app for mobile or desktop that lets you create digital sand paintings when you really should be doing something else. But my favorite app at the moment--and by the way, these are all free or low-cost--is Waterlogue.
I'm pretty good with color, and composition, but I can't draw or paint to save my life. But with Waterlogue I can compose a photo and render it into a watercolor! Cheating? Maybe. But I'm going to try printing some images onto fabric and then embellish them with stitch and applique. Might as well use all the tools in the toolbox, eh? Here, still life with sunflowers and temari.
Still Life with Sunflowers and Temari, my photo rendered in Waterlogue
Still Life with Sunflowers and Temari, my original photo
My respect for those who CAN actually paint and draw is boundless. And while I have no problem using this app to help me create the embroidered fiber art that I see in my mind's eye, I would never ever claim these "watercolors" as my own painting--that really would be cheating.